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#TeamWorld | Our Environmental Campaign

The Earth is in danger.

And it’s up to us to save it. And it’s up to you to believe in yourself that you can help save it.


Our planet is in the middle of a mass extinction, and a major factor of this is us, humans.

You may be wondering, what does this campaign have anything to do with self-esteem? It seems irrelevant for a community that promotes self-esteem to take part in this.

Forget that. We need all the help we can get, because this is our future we are talking about, and countless numbers of innocent animals and plants are affected as well. And you must believe in yourself that you can help too. Because you are strong, even if you don’t know it.


Our campaign will give you a list of monthly/daily/weekly challenges for you to fulfill, as part of the project.

We will also give you reminders and tasks that you yourself can participate in for the good of the world, such as planting a tree in your local park, giving to your local charity, and etc. These are optional, but your participation is crucial to our project.

We also raise awareness of what is happening globally, such as current environmental affairs, and etc.


By spreading the tag #TeamWorld , you are showing you are part of our team to save the world. Share this campaign with your family and friends, and help us become a better community. This will help us a lot, and we couldn’t be anymore grateful if you did!

For full reminders and notifications for the latest #TeamWorld posts, which will be posted on our blog, Instagram page, and Wattpad, we recommend you follow us on our social media and/or log in to our official site and turn on your notifications.

Participate in our activities! Like said earlier, it is very crucial to our movement. It can be just a simple task, such as stopping your plastic straw usage, to using an ecobag, to big things, such as volunteering at a local shelter/charity. Of course, all of these are optional.

Believe that you can help. It’s not too late. We’re all in the same team, and we’ll fix our world together #TeamWorld

Love, self-esTEAM

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