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Degrees of Comparison

By: Iman (@Thefantasticmissfox on wattpad)

Let’s be open and honest here. I’ve done it, you’ve done it. We’ve all done it. As human beings we have a tendency to strive for perfection. It’s human nature. Odds are, you’ve walked around your local mall comparing your physical appearance to that of another. You’ve probably done this all around your world. You’ve probably scrolled through your social media feed real quick, only to put your phone aside a minute later and to ask yourself that awful question.

Why am I not beautiful?

Well, that’s a complicated question with an easy enough answer. You are beautiful by yourself. Beauty is a multitude of things. It isn’t just long legs and a flat stomach. It’s the essence of who you are. It’s the way your eyes light up when you laugh. It’s the way you look when you’re having fun. It’s the way you look at your loved ones. It’s that mark on your face that you’re ashamed of. It’s acne, stretch marks and scars. It’s the way you display kindness. It’s the hushed sound of your voice when you whisper at night. It’s your smile (yes, even if your teeth are crooked). It’s all the things which make you the person that you are that is beautiful. Especially your flaws.

Just because you don’t match a certain type of beauty doesn’t mean that you’re not beautiful.

It simply mean that you have unique qualities which should be embraced.

How can one become beautiful? It’s simple; be yourself.

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